
Home > News > Candor was granted the honor of the "2020 Good Petroleum and Petrochemical Technology (GP&PT)"

Candor was granted the honor of the "2020 Good Petroleum and Petrochemical Technology (GP&PT)"

2020-12-31 07:32:50

     After 24 years of continuous research, Candor has innovatively designed a stainless steel ultra-high-performance corrosion-resistant, anti-corrosion, low-cost, multi-functional material. It has developed a complete set of technologies and successfully implemented industrialization, covering 14 types of plants in high-sulfur, high-acid, high chlorine, and other severe operating conditions. The surface-strengthened internals in towers extend the service life by more than 2 times. It is an international leading technology in the field of corrosion resistance and anti-coking of stainless steel materials for petrochemicals, and has set an good eacample of  “Created in China” 

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